Ligue de Hockey Simulé de Montréal
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Pour les fans du CH....

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Pour les fans du CH.... Empty Pour les fans du CH....

Message par DG St-Lo Mer 24 Mai - 17:14

For those without access to montreal medias, Bertrand Raymond, an old timer from the Journal de Montreal, quoted credible sources and said that Jay Feaster felt pressured to sign Brad Richards by none other than.... Bob Gainey!

Apparently, Gainey tried to trade Theodore for Richards last february. Feaster refused and countered by offering Martin St-Louis. Gainey refused to trade Theo for St-Louis.

Apparently, Feaster was worried that Bob Gainey would give up his picks in an attempt to sign his restricted free agent. Feaster thus offered the 7.8mil/5 yrs contract to Richards to keep him before anyone tried to "up the ante".

So, in brief, not only Feaster is a bad negociator, but he is a bit paranoid as well.

It was also mentionned that St-Louis was mad at the prospect of being traded to montreal... thus prompting the comment that he isn't really a fan of the bleu-blanc-rouge...

DG St-Lo

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Pour les fans du CH.... Empty Re: Pour les fans du CH....

Message par Invité Mer 24 Mai - 17:25

Martin St-Louis est un idiot....quil joue au hockey au lieu de devenir furieux parce qu'il a été offert au CH...

De toute façon il va se ramasser ailleurs qu'a Tampa et j'espere de tout coeur qu'il ira dans un club pourri!!!!


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